Weight Loss Success Story – Mark L.

Mark’s Weight Loss Journey

Mark’s weight loss success journey

Tell Us A Little Bit About Your Weight Struggle

I struggled with weight ever since I was a teen. I would lose some weight, then gain it back and usually more.

What Was Your Wake-Up Call Or “A-Ha Moment” That Caused You To Really Commit Yourself To Succeeding?

When I turned 40 I weighed 297 pounds. Honestly, I thought my life was about over. I noticed I couldn’t even get up from the sofa without pushing myself up with both arms. I was depressed and concerned for my health and self-image.

How Have Your Eating Habits Changed Since Beginning Your Journey? What Did You Eat Before And What Are You Eating Now?

My grocery shopping routine was crazy, about half of my haul would be unhealthy, fattening foods, like chips, pizza, burgers, bread, and pastas. The other half was fresh, clean produce and lean proteins. I would spend the next few days eating all the junk food, while the fresh foods spoiled. I would repeat this process every week.

When I began my weight loss journey I made the decision not to buy anything that would not help me lose weight. If I didn’t have it in the house, I would not be tempted. My shopping list is now full of fresh fruit and veggies, along with lean proteins.

For example, where I used to snack on chips, I now enjoy celery with a little hummus or a small handful of raw nuts and seeds.

What Is The Difference In Your Fitness Before You Started And Now?

I was so overweight, I was completely inactive and felt sluggish and weak. Now that I have lost over 100 pounds, I feel stronger than ever. I have more energy, and feel healthier and happier.

Mark’s weight loss transformation

What Has Been The Biggest Change/Payoff For You So Far?

My whole life changed. My social life blossomed. I was no longer feeling the stigma and shame from people that I had known most of my life. I feel I have a long life ahead of me. I am more energized, and feel healthier and infinitely happier. I have a real joy that I didn’t have before I lost the weight and got myself into good shape.

How Much Weight Have You Lost? How Long Did It Take You To Lose It?

I lost 125 pounds over the period of one year.

Mark’s 125 pounds weight loss success

Some Advice and/or Words of Wisdom I’d Like To Share

From feeling that my life was about over to being more active than many people half my age, I want to encourage and inspire people that they can make a life-long change even after being overweight for years or decades. If I can do it, I believe anyone can too!

Mark’s Website – Fit Body After 40

Follow Mark on Instragram

More Weight Loss Success Stories on Simple Nourished Living:

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Jim H.
Lorraine B.

The post Weight Loss Success Story – Mark L. appeared first on Simple Nourished Living.

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