Weight Loss Success Story – Lorraine B.

Lorraine’s Weight Loss Journey

Lorraine’s weight loss success

Tell Us A Little Bit About Your Weight Struggle

Growing up eating habits were normal. Started dating and going out to eat/drink when I turned 17 and never realized I was gaining that much weight until my 30’s. Tried everything from Richard Simmons to Phen Phen to Weight Watchers before realizing I needed real help.

What Was Your Wake-Up Call Or “A-Ha Moment” That Caused You To Really Commit Yourself To Succeeding?

My husband passed from complications from gastric bypass surgery and I swore I’d never get it. But when I moved to be closer to my son when he got engaged, I realized my dream of being a hands-on Nana may not come to be if I didn’t do something to lose weight.

How Have Your Eating Habits Changed Since Beginning Your Journey? What Did You Eat Before And What Are You Eating Now?

In July of this year I had gastric bypass surgery and it’s been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I keep a very close eye on sugar and carb intake and don’t eat any pasta, potatoes or breads. Before surgery I’d eat whatever I wanted amd as much as I wanted. Now I eat proteins first and drink lots of water.

What Is The Difference In Your Fitness Before You Started And Now?

I still struggle with exercise but not because I don’t want to. Due to no cartilage in both knees, Ive needed them replaced, but in my 30’s was told I was too young and in my late 40’s was told I was too overweight. I get cortisone shots but I’m lucky if they last 2 months. I like to walk, ride my stationary recumbent bike and when money allows, swim at the local gym or YMCA.

Lorraine’s weight loss journey

What Has Been The Biggest Change/Payoff For You So Far?

I’m making better and healthier food choices and it’s easier than I thought. I’m very matter of fact in how I think, shop and eat and my mindset is “This is my life now and it’s the way it needs to be.”

How Much Weight Have You Lost? How Long Did It Take You To Lose It?

Since July of this year I’ve lost almost 50 pounds.

Some Advice and/or Words of Wisdom I’d Like To Share

Make yourself your number one priority. Realize you are worth it and commit yourself to the journey. Whether you choose surgery or not, find your own reason to lose weight and take your first step!

More Weight Loss Success Stories on Simple Nourished Living:

Pat C.
Dana H.
Colleen L.

The post Weight Loss Success Story – Lorraine B. appeared first on Simple Nourished Living.

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